Transit / Fragment

About This Project

White fragment and Fragment of a dog’s life (1996/1997). The compositions are based on rhythm arising from the use of difference ingested widths of the stripes and the effect between the horizontal and verticale lines in the dyeing process. The intention was to create “strip textiles” using only shades from white to black. The choice of color is in memory of a black / white English after.


Memosyne (2003) is a collaboration with ceramicist Grete Wexels Riser. The idea was conceived in conjunction with a workshop in Athens in 2002 with the Institute of space art. The title refers to one of the nine Muses in Greek mythology whose task was to inspire artists. Memosyne (memory) got dictate to remember heroic epics.


Homage to JB (2004) refers to the German artist Joseph Beuys and his works Das Rudel (1969). Beuys worked with recycled material and was concerned about the energy the material applied to the work. It’s Buys “power of thought” and his sense of soft material that fascinates me.


Wrapped hothouse is a wrapped greenhouse, created for the exhibition Transform in Sørlandets Kunstmuseum 2006. Wrapped hothouse refers to Christos packaging projects. Use of old military blankets reminiscent of Beuys and Arte Povera tradition in the 60s and 70s where reuse of materials were important practice.
